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Showing posts from 2013

From The Chronicles of Zak: Feeling Nemo!

Photo robbed from Ninang Carmen Dulguime's  photo bucket on Facebook!  The Great Barrier Reef is home of the best anemene…ann…ameneme…anone…? Anemone! It’s easy enough to capture and set as a background for computer screen…or a lazy lit aquarium as we have in the house. For some reason though, today, the aquarium look more massive than other days. I wasn’t just peering through the squeaky clean glass – I was swimming among Malakai’s goldfish and clown fish. His janitor could not be disturbed at the bottom of the tank and the other smaller fish played tag, chasing each other across the wide, open sea!!! I was peering down the bottom of the sea, with my goggles on and wearing the orange life vest they give away during a shipwreck or a plane wreck. Everything around tasted like salt – Is this good for me, I wondered . The water was cold all around and the blue of the water seem to be takjng on a darker and darker shade as I floated forward, but the b

The Chronicles of Zak: Murder in Aquarium 13B

Aquarium 13B safely sits in the balcony of our half house in Sunnette Villas. I say “half house” because its not quite a full house, with strangers just moving in the other duplex door. But its a comfortable haven for Aquarium 13B. Its tenant with the longest tenure, Goldie Ho, has seen a couple of fireworks when the year turns into new one. He moved in with three dabarkads in the summer of 2011, and has seen all three go up into “The Happy Place” one by one – Geena just gave up after a long bout with depression, George thought the other side of the glass wall was a better place so he jumped out of their cool, spacious abode into nothingness and Gino, my love, was driven by so much ambition, he could not handle the limited routine and he burst right in front of Goldie’s googly eyes. He’s a chronic eater when he’s tense, you know. And so it goes, that for the next two years, Goldie will swim through Aquarium 13B on her own, monopolizing the space and the food. “At least,